FTC Event: Spotting and avoiding scams in our communities


In partnership with New America Media and the Federal Trade Commission, Community Media Workshop recently hosted a news briefing for ethnic media organizations on spotting and avoiding scams in our communities. The Workshop hosts news briefings periodically to bring together expert sources and journalists in an effort to streamline issues-based reporting and highlight important issues in our communities.

Consumer fraud is an enormous problem in our communities nation-wide, one that is particularly harmful for and prevalent in communities of recent immigrants. Representatives from the Better Business Bureau of Chicago and Northern Illinois, theChicago Department of Business Affairs and Consumer Protection, the Federal Trade Commission and the Illinois Attorney General’s Office spoke to an audience full of journalists and advocacy groups.

A round table discussion followed introductory remarks by the panelists. Afterward, the journalists had the opportunity to meet with and interview the panelists and representatives from over a dozen community organizations and advocacy groups. Journalism students from Columbia College Chicago were also present and will be writing pieces about the event and this critical topic.

Writing an article about these issues? Access the list of sources from the event here..

Who does this affect? Read Consumers Report: FTC Fraud Survey for details on people’s experiences with fraud.

The Workshop Hosts News Briefing on Spotting and Avoiding Scams

By Angelique White

Nearly 2.6 million persons complained to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) last year about scams, said Jennifer Leach, an assistant director of the agency’s Division of Consumer and Business Education.

But this is a small percentage of the number of scam victims, she added.


“Ninety percent of consumers never complain about being scammed,” explained Steven Baker, director of the FTC’s Midwest Region.

Combating the low level of complaints was a major reason for the FTC’s recent outreach to Chicago area ethnic media at an event sponsored by the Community Media Workshop and New America Media, a nation-wide association of ethnic news outlets.

Read more… 

Recommendations: 10 Ways to Avoid Fraud from the FTC

More Information: Common Online Scams from OnGuardOnline.gov



Public Narrative hosts news briefing on spotting and avoiding scams


Spotting and avoiding Scams in our communities