Custom Trainings

Would your organization like to discuss the media and our democracy?

Public Narrative will lead an interactive discussion about fake news, social media and how you can tell the difference.

About Custom Workshops

In addition to our regularly scheduled workshops, Public Narrative offers a flexible and diverse range of custom workshops to nonprofits, news organizations, and individuals.
All our custom workshops are designed to meet your organization's specific needs.

Click here to download a brochure with more information about our custom workshops.

Past Clients:

Girl Scouts of AmericaHousing Forward, INN (Institute for Nonprofit News), the Morton Arboretum, Poynter InstituteStorycatchers Theatre, Univison, the Village of Niles, and many others.


To make our custom workshops a more affordable option for organizations of all sizes, we offer tiered pricing based on your budget. Rates include the session, call with client up to 2 hours, preparation of materials and a one hour follow up.

For rates, email us at